Iznākusi jauna versija labākam mp3 pleijerim Apollo ar kārtas skaitli 37ug. Nejauciet labāko ar populārāko - Winamp.
Somu karsto puiku lapa, kur šad un tad vērts apmeklēt pēc updeitiem un pluginiem skatīt šeit.
Kas tad jauns šajā versijā:
- Bitrates are now shown also for playlists
- Playlist window column auto resize can now be turned off
- String variable %num% is now replaced with the track number only omitting the trailing dot
- File sizes over 4 GB are now shown correctly in the playlist window
- Playlist window scrolling to the currently played item doesn't screw playlist editing anymore
- Crossfades shorter than one second should work now
- Sorting the main playlist by ID3 frame works again
Novilkt var arī pie mums.