Kādu laiku atpkaļ domstarpības sanāca starp
Business Software Alliance
BSA) un ofisa programmu komplekta
OpenOffice izstrādātājiem par it kā
MS Office failu izmantošanu iekš jaunā
OpenOffice produkta.
Domāju katrs no mums zina, kas ir
- tā ir viena no alternatīvām
MS Office, un ir balstīta uz
SISSL licencē. Tā ir par brīvu pieejama ikvienam. Bet turpretim
Microsoft par savu produktu prasa diezgan paprāvas summiņas.
Nu lūk, viss šis kuriozs bija sanācis dēļ
BSA uzmantotās prorammas, kura pārbauda anonīmos
FTP serverus par tēmu, vai tajā nav atrodami kādas
BSA pārstāvētās kompānijas programmproduktu.
Tā atklāja, ka kādā Vācijas universitātes
FTP serverī, kura nodarbojas ar dažādu datorprogrammu izstrādi un izplatīšanu tika atklāti faili, kuri pēc minētās programmas domām pieder
Microsoft Office. Tā rezultātā
BSA nosūtīja oficiālu vēstuli šai universitātei, apvainojot tos nelikumīgā
Microsoft programmatūras izplatīšanā. Taču, kā izrādījās, faili ir no
BSA vēstule:
>> From: "Copyright Europe" <
>> To: "Abuse" <
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:51 PM
>> Subject: [NOC] Case ID 588853 - Notice of Claimed Infringement
>> Wednesday, February 26, 2003
>> Westfaelische Wilhelms - Universitaet
>> Roentgenstr. 9-13
>> Muenster, D-48149 DE DE
>> RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the following copyrighted computer
>> program(s):
>> Microsoft Office
>> Dear Sir/Madam:
>> The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has determined that the connection
>> listed below, which appears to be using an Internet account under your
>> control, is operating an FTP server to offer unlicensed copies or is engaged
>> in other unauthorized activities relating to copyrighted computer programs
>> published by the BSA's member companies.
>> Infringement Details:
>> ------------------------------
>> First Found: 24 Nov 2002 15:31:40 EST (GMT -500)
>> Last Found: 24 Feb 2003 01:19:59 EST (GMT -500)
>> IP Address:
>> IP Port: 21
>> Protocol: FTP
>> FTP Login Name: anonymous
>> FTP Login Password: guest@nowhere.com
>> What was located as infringing content:
>> ------------------------------
>> Filename: /mandrake_current/SRPMS/OpenOffice.org-1.0.1-9mdk.src.rpm
>> (199,643kb)
>> Filename:
>> /mandrake_current/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/OpenOffice.org-libs-1.0.1-9mdk.i586.rpm
>> (35,444kb)
>> The above computer program(s) is/are being made available for copying,
>> through downloading, at the above location without authorization from the
>> copyright owner(s).
>> Based upon BSA's representation of the copyright owners in anti-piracy
>> matters, we have a good faith belief that none of the materials or
>> activities listed above have been authorized by the rightholders, their
>> agents, or the law. BSA represents that the information in this
>> notification is accurate and states, under penalty of perjury, that it is
>> authorized to act in this matter on behalf of the copyright owners listed
>> above.
>> We hereby give notice of these activities to you and request that you take
>> expeditious action to remove or disable access to the materials described
>> above, and thereby prevent the illegal reproduction and distribution of
>> pirated software via your company's network. As you know, illegal on-line
>> activities can result in 50 million people on the Internet accessing and
>> downloading a copyrighted product worldwide without authorization - a highly
>> damaging activity for the copyright holder.
>> We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please advise us regarding
>> what actions you take.
>> Please include the following CaseID in any response you send: Case ID 588853
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Corinna Beck
>> Business Software Alliance
>> 1150 18th St NW Suite 700
>> Washington,DC 20036
>> E-mail:
Galu galā tomēr
BSA bija spiesta atvainoties universitātei un to arī darīja :)