cietnījamajiem lasītājiem paredzētais cietnis
08:57 Par maziem zaļiem cilvēciņiem. Skatīt multenes... []
13:15 Zvaigžņu karu jaunākā epizode sauksies Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith un noskatīties to varēsim 2005. gada maijā. [yahoo news]
14:51 No Ņujorkas uz Londonu 54 minūtēs. Tas viss ar vilcienu, kas pārvietosies ar ~8000 km/h ātrumu. Vai tas ir iespējams? []
14:15 Interneta "tētis" iecelts bruņinieku kārtā. []
13:59 Teorija par to, ka melnajā caurumā viss pazūd bez pēdām var izrādīties nepatiesa un 21. jūlijā Stephen Hawking centīsies to pierādīt. [new scientist]


 Nav cepuminju, nav polla. [kāpēc?]
Floppy diskus...
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  Pa retam izmantoju   57% (353)
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Aija, Aiva, Aivis, Gregors
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Rego, Reio
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Liutauras, Vaidilė, Kristina, Teodora

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  Aizsūti ziņu par šo elīto rakstu sev, savam draugam vai naidniekam Izdrukā šo nejegā pārkūlo ziņu uz sava exelentš printera Tev gan jau ka ir kaut kas piebilstams par šo megaziņu (12)  

Kā izrādās, arī Photoshop 7 veidotāju humora izjūta ir pietiekama, lai papildinātu programmas kodu ar interesantām un "noderīgām" lietām. Kāds puisis, saukts par Che Gevara, saņemot pēdējo Photoshop 7 betas versiju, nolēma paeksperimentēt ar ResHacker. Spiežot Lasīt tālāk Jūs varēsiet izlasīt, ko tad īsti viņam izdevās atrast. Iesaku palasīt, daudz labas domas. Šie man patika īpaši:

So many evil plans, so little time...
Errors have been made.  Others will be blamed.
Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.

20032, "$$$/private/Witticisms/674=Nice rabbits"
20033, "$$$/private/Witticisms/676=I^}d better get this in before I lose all this logic."
20034, "$$$/private/Witticisms/677=My toys! My toys! I can^}t do this job without my toys!"
20035, "$$$/private/Witticisms/678=No, my powers can only be used for good."
20036, "$$$/private/Witticisms/679=Cats.  Why does it always have to be cats?"
20037, "$$$/private/Witticisms/680=So many evil plans, so little time..."
20038, "$$$/private/Witticisms/690=Mmmmm.... Guatamalean insanity peppers..."
20039, "$$$/private/Witticisms/691=You can^}t do a correlation analysis with 200 variables and one observation!"
20040, "$$$/private/Witticisms/695=All work and no play makes Marc a dull boy"
20041, "$$$/private/Witticisms/696="

20048, "$$$/private/Witticisms/703=Sarcasm is just one more service we offer."
20049, "$$$/private/Witticisms/704=Errors have been made.  Others will be blamed."
20050, "$$$/private/Witticisms/705=Too many freaks, not enough circuses."
20051, "$$$/private/Witticisms/706=Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done."
20052, "$$$/private/Witticisms/707=Are we whisperers, gossips, smiling backstabbers?"
20053, "$$$/private/Witticisms/708=Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff."
20054, "$$$/private/Witticisms/709=No dark sarcasm in the classroom"
20055, "$$$/private/Witticisms/710=How can she be so evil? She^}s only in high school!"
20056, "$$$/private/Witticisms/711=Not too many straws left..."
20057, "$$$/private/Witticisms/712=I don^}t think it^}s quite fair to condemn a whole program..."
20058, "$$$/private/Witticisms/7125=   ...because of a single slip-up."
20059, "$$$/private/Witticisms/713=Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines."
20060, "$$$/private/Witticisms/714=I honestly think you ought to calm down; take a stress pill and think things over."
20061, "$$$/private/Witticisms/715=Good... Bad... I^}m the guy with the gun."
20062, "$$$/private/Witticisms/716=I^}ve got to go implement the stuff on this napkin."
20063, "$$$/private/Witticisms/717=Tell him to come down here and we^}ll bite it off!"

20064, "$$$/private/Witticisms/718=Photoshop: You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave!"
20065, "$$$/private/Witticisms/719=...all accordians and bagpipes."
20066, "$$$/private/Witticisms/720=Home is where the DSL is."
20067, "$$$/private/Witticisms/721=Bitter people need not apply."
20068, "$$$/private/Witticisms/722=There^}s no shame in being a pariah."
20069, "$$$/private/Witticisms/723=This is between me and the vegetable."
20070, "$$$/private/Witticisms/724=Y"
20071, "$$$/private/Witticisms/725=He must be killed before the others become infected."
20072, "$$$/private/Witticisms/726=It didn^}t say anything about shooting way the hell up in the air and exploding..."
20073, "$$$/private/Witticisms/727=I^}ve run out of places to hide secret documents."
20074, "$$$/private/Witticisms/728=Caffeine, sugar, chocolate AND fat -- now there^}s a balanced meal!"
20075, "$$$/private/Witticisms/729=Eskimo"
20076, "$$$/private/Witticisms/730=I am the text.  I am the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes."
20077, "$$$/private/Witticisms/731=It^}s okay to LovE your Photoshop, but don^}t LOVE your Photoshop."
20078, "$$$/private/Witticisms/732=Sometimes the delete key is your greatest friend."
20079, "$$$/private/Witticisms/733=We^}re down in the trenches, and we ain^}t seein^} nothin^} but trench."

20080, "$$$/private/Witticisms/734=My pockets hurt"
20081, "$$$/private/Witticisms/735=If I had six beers, I^}d be working faster"
20082, "$$$/private/Witticisms/736=It^}s always open season on princesses"
20083, "$$$/private/Witticisms/737=It^}s a penguin!  And he^}s been - drinking!"
20084, "$$$/private/Witticisms/738=Hmmm... That would explain the missing hunting knife."
20085, "$$$/private/Witticisms/739=Let me tell you about my mother."
20086, "$$$/private/Witticisms/740=The efficiency of the coconut wireless is not to be underestimated."
20087, "$$$/private/Witticisms/741=Whip me, beat me, make me know love!"
20088, "$$$/private/Witticisms/742=I am Sci-Fi."
20089, "$$$/private/Witticisms/743=Mmmm, Shroomy Bears^T!"
20090, "$$$/private/Witticisms/744=Where was I going to go?  Detroit?"
20091, "$$$/private/Witticisms/745=I^}m always pleasant when discussing facism."
20092, "$$$/private/Witticisms/746=That^}s right, sugar.  Everything in it is go."
20093, "$$$/private/Witticisms/747=Timmy!!!"
20094, "$$$/private/Witticisms/748=Holy flerking schnit!"
20095, "$$$/private/Witticisms/749=Actually, we^}re quantum Presbyterians."

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