20032, "$$$/private/Witticisms/674=Nice rabbits"
20033, "$$$/private/Witticisms/676=I^}d better get this in before I lose all this logic."
20034, "$$$/private/Witticisms/677=My toys! My toys! I can^}t do this job without my toys!"
20035, "$$$/private/Witticisms/678=No, my powers can only be used for good."
20036, "$$$/private/Witticisms/679=Cats. Why does it always have to be cats?"
20037, "$$$/private/Witticisms/680=So many evil plans, so little time..."
20038, "$$$/private/Witticisms/690=Mmmmm.... Guatamalean insanity peppers..."
20039, "$$$/private/Witticisms/691=You can^}t do a correlation analysis with 200 variables and one observation!"
20040, "$$$/private/Witticisms/695=All work and no play makes Marc a dull boy"
20041, "$$$/private/Witticisms/696="
20048, "$$$/private/Witticisms/703=Sarcasm is just one more service we offer."
20049, "$$$/private/Witticisms/704=Errors have been made. Others will be blamed."
20050, "$$$/private/Witticisms/705=Too many freaks, not enough circuses."
20051, "$$$/private/Witticisms/706=Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done."
20052, "$$$/private/Witticisms/707=Are we whisperers, gossips, smiling backstabbers?"
20053, "$$$/private/Witticisms/708=Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff."
20054, "$$$/private/Witticisms/709=No dark sarcasm in the classroom"
20055, "$$$/private/Witticisms/710=How can she be so evil? She^}s only in high school!"
20056, "$$$/private/Witticisms/711=Not too many straws left..."
20057, "$$$/private/Witticisms/712=I don^}t think it^}s quite fair to condemn a whole program..."
20058, "$$$/private/Witticisms/7125= ...because of a single slip-up."
20059, "$$$/private/Witticisms/713=Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines."
20060, "$$$/private/Witticisms/714=I honestly think you ought to calm down; take a stress pill and think things over."
20061, "$$$/private/Witticisms/715=Good... Bad... I^}m the guy with the gun."
20062, "$$$/private/Witticisms/716=I^}ve got to go implement the stuff on this napkin."
20063, "$$$/private/Witticisms/717=Tell him to come down here and we^}ll bite it off!"
20064, "$$$/private/Witticisms/718=Photoshop: You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave!"
20065, "$$$/private/Witticisms/719=...all accordians and bagpipes."
20066, "$$$/private/Witticisms/720=Home is where the DSL is."
20067, "$$$/private/Witticisms/721=Bitter people need not apply."
20068, "$$$/private/Witticisms/722=There^}s no shame in being a pariah."
20069, "$$$/private/Witticisms/723=This is between me and the vegetable."
20070, "$$$/private/Witticisms/724=Y"
20071, "$$$/private/Witticisms/725=He must be killed before the others become infected."
20072, "$$$/private/Witticisms/726=It didn^}t say anything about shooting way the hell up in the air and exploding..."
20073, "$$$/private/Witticisms/727=I^}ve run out of places to hide secret documents."
20074, "$$$/private/Witticisms/728=Caffeine, sugar, chocolate AND fat -- now there^}s a balanced meal!"
20075, "$$$/private/Witticisms/729=Eskimo"
20076, "$$$/private/Witticisms/730=I am the text. I am the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes."
20077, "$$$/private/Witticisms/731=It^}s okay to LovE your Photoshop, but don^}t LOVE your Photoshop."
20078, "$$$/private/Witticisms/732=Sometimes the delete key is your greatest friend."
20079, "$$$/private/Witticisms/733=We^}re down in the trenches, and we ain^}t seein^} nothin^} but trench."
20080, "$$$/private/Witticisms/734=My pockets hurt"
20081, "$$$/private/Witticisms/735=If I had six beers, I^}d be working faster"
20082, "$$$/private/Witticisms/736=It^}s always open season on princesses"
20083, "$$$/private/Witticisms/737=It^}s a penguin! And he^}s been - drinking!"
20084, "$$$/private/Witticisms/738=Hmmm... That would explain the missing hunting knife."
20085, "$$$/private/Witticisms/739=Let me tell you about my mother."
20086, "$$$/private/Witticisms/740=The efficiency of the coconut wireless is not to be underestimated."
20087, "$$$/private/Witticisms/741=Whip me, beat me, make me know love!"
20088, "$$$/private/Witticisms/742=I am Sci-Fi."
20089, "$$$/private/Witticisms/743=Mmmm, Shroomy Bears^T!"
20090, "$$$/private/Witticisms/744=Where was I going to go? Detroit?"
20091, "$$$/private/Witticisms/745=I^}m always pleasant when discussing facism."
20092, "$$$/private/Witticisms/746=That^}s right, sugar. Everything in it is go."
20093, "$$$/private/Witticisms/747=Timmy!!!"
20094, "$$$/private/Witticisms/748=Holy flerking schnit!"
20095, "$$$/private/Witticisms/749=Actually, we^}re quantum Presbyterians."
Avots -