08:57 Par maziem zaļiem cilvēciņiem. Skatīt multenes... [ www.greenman.ru] 13:15 Zvaigžņu karu jaunākā epizode sauksies Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith un noskatīties to varēsim 2005. gada maijā. [ yahoo news] 14:51 No Ņujorkas uz Londonu 54 minūtēs. Tas viss ar vilcienu, kas pārvietosies ar ~8000 km/h ātrumu. Vai tas ir iespējams? [ media.dsc.discovery.com] 14:15 Interneta "tētis" iecelts bruņinieku kārtā. [ www.digitmag.co.uk] 13:59 Teorija par to, ka melnajā caurumā viss pazūd bez pēdām var izrādīties nepatiesa un 21. jūlijā Stephen Hawking centīsies to pierādīt. [ new scientist]  |

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Skatīt komentārus:
viltīgi |
Arturs | 2002-02-20 10:34 | atbildēt uz #4127 |
Dear Mr.Arturs Mednis,
At this moment we do not have plan to introduce KX-HCM2 in Europe and
surrounding countries.
We already selling similar model but differnt model # KX-HCM10 in USA.
This may be easier for you.
Please see the web site below:
If you don't mind this model comes with 120V AC Adaptor, you can buy
at ONLINE shipping. You may find some onlineshop when you serch KX-HCM10
by Yahoo or google.
In USA they have "Myeyecam service" instead of "Miemasu.net Service"
for your reference.
Panso nic Sales Support
>---Original Message---
>From: 帥障㏍& #65347;・泣&# 33509;[mailto:support@mie masu.net]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 7:45 AM
>To: arturs@cv.lv
>Subject: Re: help me
>Dear Mr.Arturs Mednis,
>I understand your request.
>I forward your e-mail to our overseas sales team.
>They will contact to you soon.
>Miem asu.net Service support
>Kyushumatsushita Electric Ltd.
>--- Original Message ---
>From: "Arturs Mednis" <arturs@cv.lv>
>To: <support@miemasu.net>
>Se nt: Monday, February 18, 2002 11:51 PM
>Subject: RE: help me
>Dear Miemasu.net Service support!
>Yes, I know that the KX-HCM2 is goods for Japan market. I just want to know
>can I use it for in Latvia too, and if yes - how.
>What you think about Europian market? And Russia, Baltic States, etc...
>Arturs Mednis
>> ---Original Message---
>> From:[mailto:support@miem asu.net]
>> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 4:44 PM
>> To: arturs@cv.lv
>> Subject: Re: help me
>> Dear Customer,
>> Thank you for your e-mail.
>> First of all, as maybe you know, KX-HCM2 is goods for Japan market.
>> I think, you sent e-mail from Republic of Latovia, don't you?
>> And, your contacted website is providing Dynamic DNS service for KX-HCM
>> series in Japan.
>> Please tell me more detail, what do you want to know about KX-HCM2.
>> Regards,
>> Miemasu.net Service support
>> Kyushumatsushita Electric Ltd.
>> support@miemasu.net
>> --- Original Message ---
>> From: "Arturs Mednis" <arturs@cv.lv>
>> To: <support@miemasu.net>
>> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 9:04 PM
>> Subject: help me
>> > do you have your site translated in english?
>> >
>> > i want to know about KX-HCM2.
M. Nishijima
Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd.(KME)
Corporate Global Marketing Division (CGMD)
E- mail: 03620@pios.kme.mei.co.jp
or PAN40780@pios.kme.mei.co. jp
Tel: +81-92-477-1658 Fax:+81-92-477-1555
Pana- Van:7-951-5254
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