08:57 Par maziem zaļiem cilvēciņiem. Skatīt multenes... [ www.greenman.ru] 13:15 Zvaigžņu karu jaunākā epizode sauksies Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith un noskatīties to varēsim 2005. gada maijā. [ yahoo news] 14:51 No Ņujorkas uz Londonu 54 minūtēs. Tas viss ar vilcienu, kas pārvietosies ar ~8000 km/h ātrumu. Vai tas ir iespējams? [ media.dsc.discovery.com] 14:15 Interneta "tētis" iecelts bruņinieku kārtā. [ www.digitmag.co.uk] 13:59 Teorija par to, ka melnajā caurumā viss pazūd bez pēdām var izrādīties nepatiesa un 21. jūlijā Stephen Hawking centīsies to pierādīt. [ new scientist]  |

Šodien vardadienas svin:
Ernests, Ernsts, Balvis
Nimepaevalised on:
Ernst, Ernits, Erni, Erno
Šiandien vardadieni švencia:
Darmantas, Karigailė, Matilda
Skatīt komentārus:
viltīgi |
skeptiks | 2002-08-01 13:48 | The word TWAIN is from Kipling's "The Ballad of East and West" - "...and never the twain shall meet...", reflecting the difficulty, at the time, of connecting scanners and personal computers. It was up-cased to TWAIN to make it more distinctive. This led people to believe it was an acronym, and then to a contest to come up with an expansion. None were selected, but the entry "Technology Without An Interesting Name" continues to haunt the standard. (http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?TWAIN) |
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