08:57 Par maziem zaļiem cilvēciņiem. Skatīt multenes... [ www.greenman.ru] 13:15 Zvaigžņu karu jaunākā epizode sauksies Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith un noskatīties to varēsim 2005. gada maijā. [ yahoo news] 14:51 No Ņujorkas uz Londonu 54 minūtēs. Tas viss ar vilcienu, kas pārvietosies ar ~8000 km/h ātrumu. Vai tas ir iespējams? [ media.dsc.discovery.com] 14:15 Interneta "tētis" iecelts bruņinieku kārtā. [ www.digitmag.co.uk] 13:59 Teorija par to, ka melnajā caurumā viss pazūd bez pēdām var izrādīties nepatiesa un 21. jūlijā Stephen Hawking centīsies to pierādīt. [ new scientist]  |

Šodien vardadienas svin:
Matilde, Ulrika
Nimepaevalised on:
Matilde, Malde, Maldi, Milda, Milde, Meta, Tilde
Šiandien vardadieni švencia:
Tautas, Tautgintė, Klemensas, Lionginas
Skatīt komentārus:
viltīgi |
keiby | 2002-09-11 10:04 | met aaraa pazinjojumu "Access denied" - jebkuraa gadiijumaa - vai nu pa taisno uz linka vai saglabaajot failu un peec tam palaizhot. :
0x80070005: Cannot access or cannot play the file
Windows Media Player cannot access or cannot play the file. You may encounter this error for the following reasons:
This file is currently in use. Close the file, and then try to perform the desired action again.
Windows Media Player cannot find the license for this file. The license may have been deleted or may have become corrupted. If you have backup copies of your licenses, you can restore them, and then try playing the file again. If you do not have backup copies of your licenses, you need to obtain a new license for the content. If you need a license for a CD track that you copied, copy the CD track again. If you need a license for a file that you downloaded from the Internet, return to the Web site where you got it and download the file again. |
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