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Šī raksta on-line (oriģinālā:) versija atrodama pēc adreses, no kurienes arī šī izdruka ir nākusi. Jebkura neautorizēta (bez autora piekrišanas) šī materiāla izmantošana var viest bēdīgas sekas. To darīt vienkārši nedrīkst. Ne tikai .lv nespēj uzturēt IRC serveri No /. ![]() Šis serveris ir kalpojis saviem nolūkiem aš kopš 1988. gada. Un pēc 12 gadu kalpošanas IRC sabiedrībai, šā kalendārā gada beigās tiks nostopēts process. Ja kādu inetersē MOTD (teksts, kurš parādās, pieslēdzoties serverim), to var lasīt raksta atlikušajā daļā. Message of the Day - -=[ Welcome to the University of Colorado IRC Server. ]=- __ __ An IRC server has been running at the University of Colorado at Boulder since 1988 and that makes it officially the oldest continuously operating IRC server on the Internet. It's been a good long run. Well the sad day has finally come. IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE will be going away by Jan 1, 2002 Let me repeat that. will be switched off for good, by the end of this calender year. The university can no longer afford to support the hardware and software to run it, nor the network resources to support not only the traffic to and from the server, but the extra bandwidth needed to handle the various DoS attempts made against the server. They can no longer accept the liability of running an IRC server and the decision had been made to retire it for good. It's been good serving the IRC community for the last 12 years. Bye all. ian ------------------------------------------------------------------ -University of Colorado IRC Staff |