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Šī raksta on-line (oriģinālā:) versija atrodama pēc adreses, no kurienes arī šī izdruka ir nākusi. Jebkura neautorizēta (bez autora piekrišanas) šī materiāla izmantošana var viest bēdīgas sekas. To darīt vienkārši nedrīkst. Wolfenstein sīkumos Materiāls ir dots angliski un ļoti garš, bet diemžēl ar laiku ir kā ir tāpēc tekstu iztulkot nespēšu. Weapons: In addition to, 1. Colt Model 1911 2. Luger 9mm Parabellum 3. MP40 4. Thompson 5. Sten 6. Mauser 7. Panzerfaust 8. Venom Minigun 9. Flamethrower 10. MG42 (crew-operated, in the bunkers) 11. Pineapple Grenade (Allied grenade) 12. Potato Masher (Axis Grenade) We will be seeing most if not all of the following weapons: 13. C02 Speargun [uses Speargun bolts (you tell me what they might be?), and Speargun Spears (for ammo)]. 14. Tesla Gun 15. Garand 16. FG42 Paratrooper Rifle (can have a scope, which is a separate item, I believe) 17. Snooper Rifle (weird name, but that's what I've got) 18. Dual Colts (in addition to the single colt mentioned above) 19. Venom Shotgun (might be the same thing as the Minigun) 20. Gauntlet (some sort of weapon, or possibly weapon ammo.) The Nazis might also have access to the following: 1. Cross (?) 2. Nails 3. Crowbar 4. SP5 (?) 5. Lightning (or it might just be an environmental effect, or both.) Various other items: 1. Hot Meal 2. Small Health 3. Medium Health 4. Large Health 5. Flak Jacket 6. Armored Helmet 7. "Brandy" and "Stein" (They have something to do with "Stamina") 8. Binoculars Other items: 1. Gold Bars 2. Satchel Charge (charges satchels, or is that a type of explosive charge??) 4. Field Radio 5. Eye of Isis 6. Chalice 7. Crystal Skull 8. Dr. Zemph's Journal 9. Project Book 10. Venom Tech Manual 11. Added Stamina 12. Fire Protection 13. Electric Protection 14. Breather (probably for swimming underwater) 15. Skull of Invulnerability 16. 1921 Chateau Lafite 17. Medkit 18. Fuel (for flamethrower?) 19. Cell (for Tesla gun?) 20. Dynamite 21. Ammo Pack 22. Various rounds (might be separate items, or probably just sound effects or graphic effects like shell casings) 23. Various Keys Assorted Characters: 1. Chimp 2. Civilian 3. Partisan 4. Heinrich 5. Helga 6. Frogman 7. Protosoldier 8. Black Guard 9. Super Soldier 10. Stim Soldier 11. Elite Guard 12. SeaLoper 13. Loper 14. Venom 15. Undead 16. FemZombie 17. Warrior Zombie 18. Zombie 19. American (Probably will be you) General Game Effects (one or two might be Quake holdovers in the game code that won't be used in Wolfen.): 1. Gunsparks 2. Snow Flurry 3. Dust 4. Oil Barrels, flaming oil barrels, smoke from barrel, oil, oil particles, oil slicks. 5. Snow 6. Bats (The animal) 7. Water, going underwater (is that what the speargun is for?), drowning. 8. Footsteps on various surfaces; snow, metal, roof, gravel, grass, wood, carpet, water (splash). 9. Zombie Spit (yes, spit), spit splashing 10. Poison Gas 11. Grapple 12. Laser 13. Lava 14. Slime 15. Lightning (this is somehow associated with the zombies, though so it might also (or even exclusively) be a type of zombie weapon or attack). 16. Searchlight 17. Bubbles 18. Various item-related effects: flipping tables, crashing & creaking chairs. 19. Falling bricks, gibs, ceramic, breaking glass. 20. Fog 21. Spitting (in multiplayer, I think) General 'Things' (you probably can't pick them up) in the game: 1. Table 2. Bed 3. Chair (side chair, high-back, office, etc., types) 4. Locker 5. Barrel 6. Desklamp 7. Crowbar (used by Nazis, but probably not allies. Thus, you might not be able to pick it up.) Things you might be able to use, but not pick up: 1. A Truck (Has sounds of various gears, from idle, reverse, to 3rd gear. Also has grinding gears, braking, and moving sounds) 2. Some vehicle labeled an "M109," which has crash and debris effects associated with it. 3. Fighter plane (various sounds associated with it, but it might very well be a Nazi-used object that just flies around) 4. Tramcar The Nazi AI looks to be interesting, with functions like "chase" "grenade flush" "take cover" "scan for enemies" "ambush" "hunt". Multiplayer! The game will include Capture the Flag, (Team) Tournament, Wolf MP, Team Deathmatch, Harvester, Overload and Free for All multiplayer options. For CTF, there will be two teams, the Blue and the Red (one Axis, one Allied), and the point will be to get the other team's flag! MP also appears to have gendered voice messages. The options are: neuter, male, or female (has the following files; scripts/wm_allies_chat.voice scripts/wm_axis_chat.voice). Single player will include the following levels of difficulty: Nightmare, Hardcore, Hurt Me Plenty, Bring It On I Can Win. |