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Jebkura neautorizēta (bez autora piekrišanas) šī materiāla izmantošana var viest bēdīgas sekas. To darīt vienkārši nedrīkst.
RPC gļuki un līdz ar to visas izrietošās sekas. Pink ( @ 2003-08-12 12:08:00 Cik cilvēkiem var stastīt, ka windows updates ir jāliek obligāti! Vakar un šodien, ļoti daudz cilvēku Latvijā un pasaulē satraukti postē, ka viņu dators nemitīgi pārstartējās. Nu bet protams, ka pārstartēsies, ja nav uzlikts attiecīgais ielāps sistēmai vai uzlikts firewalls. Cik nesen atpakaļ Coolynx no poda brīdināja par automatizētiem uzbrukumiem. Atgādināšu, ielāpus var dabūt šeit un šeit . Negribat, lai pārstartējās, Jūs varat vēl atslēgt automātisko pārstartēšanos. To izdarīt var šādi: nospiediet Start->Control Panel->System->Advanced->StartUp and Recovery->Settings->. Tad zem "System Failure" noņemiet ķeksi "Automatically restart".
Operētāj sistēmas, kurās ir RPC caurums:
- Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition
- Microsoft Windows 2000
- Microsoft Windows XP
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Operētāj sistēmas, kurās nav RPC caurums:
- Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
- Microsoft Windows 9x
Izrādās ir parādījies pirmais vīruss W32.Blaster.Worm, kas izmanto šo nepatīkamo caurumu. Instrukcija un tūlis no symantec, tā novākšanai:
NOTE: You need administrative rights to run this tool on Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
- Download the FixBlast.exe file from: (vai arī pie mums)
- Save the file to a convenient location, such as your downloads folder or the Windows Desktop (or removable media that is known to be uninfected, if possible).
- To check the authenticity of the digital signature, refer to the section, "Digital signature."
- Close all the running programs before running the tool.
- If you are running Windows XP, then disable System Restore. Refer to the section, "System Restore option in Windows Me/XP," for additional details.
CAUTION: If you are running Windows XP, we strongly recommend that you do not skip this step. The removal procedure may be unsuccessful if Windows XP System Restore is not disabled, because Windows prevents outside programs from modifying System Restore.
- Double-click the FixBlast.exe file to start the removal tool.
- Click Start to begin the process, and then allow the tool to run.
NOTE: If, when running the tool, you see a message that the tool was not able to remove one or more files, run the tool in Safe mode. Shut down the computer, turn off the power, and wait 30 seconds. Restart the computer in Safe mode and run the tool again. All the Windows 32-bit operating systems, except Windows NT, can be restarted in Safe mode. For instructions, read the document "How to start the computer in Safe Mode ."
- Restart the computer.
- Run the removal tool again to ensure that the system is clean.
- If you are running Windows XP, then re-enable System Restore.